Radial and Ulnar Fractures


You know those niggling issues patients bring up at the end of sessions?

The “I don’t know if you can do anything about X but thought I’d mention it” remarks. This was one of those cases.

Ten minutes left at the end of a session and we decided to give it a whirl and see what we could do.

This client complained of wrist and forearm pain as well as a lack of strength when performing bicep curls and other dumbbell exercises.

Pain was also present with any sort of twisting of the wrist and radial deviation.

She had been in a serious biking accident multiple decades ago and suffered severe trauma to her radius and ulna.

We performed about ten minutes of P-DTR and clearing out nocioception in her scars, correcting dysfunctions in her carpal and interosseous ligaments, and following that up with a few minutes of fascial work to mobilize stagnant tissues.

Upon retesting the symptomatic movements she pronounced herself pain free.

Five months later and this hasn’t been an issue since.

Not only does P-DTR work but it works FAST.

Still amazes me every time.

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