Sinus Afflictions


Tis’ the season for flu, bronchitis, and sinus infections abound.

I recently worked on a woman who’d finished battling a two week long bout with a sinus infection, but had been experiencing persistent nausea, dizziness, and light sensitivity ever since.

The first thing I personally perform whenever a client complains of such symptoms is a full  examination of the cranial nerves.

Sure enough, her vagus, vestibulocochlear, and optic nerves were all found to be dysfunctional.

As we cover in the P-DTR Intermediate training, some patterns aren’t necessarily the true priority, but rather non-priority dysfunctions helping to provide compensation for a larger issue.

This was exactly the case for all three of these cranial nerves.

What larger pattern did all of these nerves come back to?

Slow nocioception via the paleospinothalamic pathway and pressure receptors located directly over the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Go figure.

After correcting these dysfunctions via P-DTR the endurance of her cranial nerves immediately improved and we assigned her a bit of homework to help her system make a full recovery.

She was back to feeling like her normal self within a week.

To truly understand cause and effect within the body we must have a thorough understanding of the organization of the nervous system and the relative level of one dysfunctional pattern to another.

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