Plantar Fasciitis


In P-DTR we often talk about fixing the ‘software’ of the body.

Hardware problems include more structural issues such as tears, fractures, arthritis, bursitis, etc.

One of the most common questions I get asked by clients is if or how I can help them if they have hardware issue XYZ going on.

While I may not be able to solve the hardware issue itself, oftentimes dealing with the dysfunctional software that cropped up as a result of it can be enough to help people greatly or completely manage their symptoms.

Case in point.

A new client came in last week complaining of severe pain in the plantar fascia of her left foot. The pain was present with any degree of loading and worse when walking.

We treated her using P-DTR for 30 minutes, talked about the mechanics of good walking for 10 minutes and sent her on her way.

Saw her today for a follow up.

Bad news.

The imaging she’d gotten done a few days prior to her first appointment came back and showed a tear in the plantar fascia.

Good news.

After the work we’d done last time and implementing the simple changes I’d given her, she’d been walking around pain free since last week.

The tear was still there, but we’d given her brain enough of the right information back to figure out how to function more efficiently.

These ‘hardware’ cases aren’t always a lost cause.

You’ll never know the improvements you can make unless you try!

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