Diastasis Recti


Last week was officially the week o’ diastasis recti. I saw three women with it, all presenting with a completely different set of symptoms.

While this most commonly occurs in women post-pregnancy, it can also be caused by significant weight loss or weight gain, hereditary factors, or connective tissue disorders.

In my case, only one of the three clients I worked with even knew they had it!

In fact, their chief complaints were…

Client A: Pain when sneezing and lifting heavy objects
Client B: Low back pain
Client C: Hip pain

Client C in particular was an especially fun case.

She’d been going to PT for the last five months to no avail, only to be eventually labeled with severe bursitis that caused active discomfort even when simply standing in place.

After going through a basic visual and palpatory assessment, I had her walk around while decreasing the stretch on the diastasis.

That persistent hip pain? Gone.

Using P-DTR, we were able to reconnect the brain with the transverse abs as well as address any concurrent pelvic floor and diaphragmatic dysfunction as well. All within 30 minutes.

While this is an issue that does require outside homework, in all three cases we were able to eliminate the chief complaint of pain within the first visit.

Once the neurological causes for dysfunctions are eliminated, the body finally has the opportunity to heal.

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