

Sciatica. As healthcare practitioners we’re all far too familiar with this phenomenon.

Sometimes we’re lucky and catch a patient right at the onset of true nerve entrapment and other times we see the patient for the first time years later.

Learning about underlying nerve physiology, assessment and treatment through the lens of P-DTR, and nutritional modifications for peripheral nerve entrapments has added so much value to my practice.

Whether the physical symptoms are truly the result of a structural nerve entrapment or merely symptoms of something larger going on, with P-DTR you are able to quickly and accurately suss out the true root of the problem.

For example, see Clients A and B within my practice over the last two weeks.

Client A:

28 yo female.

Numbness and tingling traveling from back down the buttocks and back of her thigh.

Client had just come off of a heavy traveling stint for work covering 6 different cities in the span of three weeks.

Plenty of long airplane and car rides with no mobility work or stretching to speak of.

Client B:

35 yo female.

Weakness and tingling traveling from back down buttocks, back of her thigh, and into her lower leg.

Client was a triathlete and found that symptoms were worst when doing flip turns in the pool.

Same buzzwords.

Same referred pain pattern.

To many traditional practitioners these two examples would be the ‘exact same case’ with extremely similar solutions and treatment protocols.

Upon further questioning of Client B, she’d been through the wringer. She’d already tried physical therapy, massage, chiropractic work, all to no avail.

As I delved into assessing the situation, all of the classic markers I look for with nerve entrapments began tracing back up to limbic issues.

Turns out she’d suffered a particularly traumatic abortion a mere week before symptoms began.

By addressing all of her physical markers traced up to specific limbic issues, we achieved an 80% reduction in symptoms in the first session and full resolution by the end of the second.

No two cases are the ‘exact same’ and they should always require at least slightly different solutions.

The mind holds the key to the source of all the body’s problems.

You just have to know how to map it out!

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