Spinal Ligaments


Two weeks back I met a gentleman who had been suffering from extremely limited right shoulder range of motion and little to no functional strength. By his own report, his symptoms appeared suddenly after performing a few sloppy sets of overhead extensions with poor form during a gym workout two years ago.

In the weeks and months to come after the incident, he came up negative in all scans and MRI's but yet experienced a sharp decline in his ability to perform daily activities such as lifting groceries and reaching for objects overhead. This ultimately culminated in him ceasing all forms of physical activity and changing his work schedule around to accommodate physical therapy appointments three times a week.

At the time I saw him, he had been undergoing physical therapy for his shoulder three times a week for the past 8 months with no noticeable progress. He was still unable to abduct his arm beyond 45 degrees and properly flex his arm beyond 90 degrees.

By the end of one session, he was up to 160 degrees of abduction and had fully restored 180 degrees of flexion.

Why were we able to make more progress in 50 minutes than in 8 months? Simple.

Using the P-DTR protocol, we discovered that the limitations in his shoulder were actually due to dysfunction in the spinal ligaments, rather than the ligaments of the shoulder itself. After correcting dysfunctions in the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament and right Intertransverse Ligament, his range of motion and strength improved within seconds.

At his follow up a few days back, he had continued to retain the changes we enacted within the nervous system. When I asked him how he was feeling he incredulously told me "These past few weeks have been the most absolutely incredible experience for me. I can't believe this treatment technique hasn't completely taken over the healthcare industry yet. Once this really gets out there it's going to change the world."

We're sure working on it! Join us on the cutting edge of applied neuroscience and beat the odds with incredible results each and every day.

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