Pancreatic Cancer


A few months back I began working with a survivor of stage 2 pancreatic cancer.

After undergoing extensive surgery, she received hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) before being stitched and stapled back up.

HIPEC is a highly concentrated, heated chemotherapy treatment that is delivered directly to the abdomen during surgery. A chemo bath, if you will.

Three years later and she's officially cancer free. However, she came to me reliant on daily use of digestive enzymes and laxatives to help process foods as well as suffering from significant discomfort with any degree of trunk flexion.

Using the P-DTR protocol we corrected a number of organ dysfunctions on her as well as digestive sequencing issues, restrictions in the mesenteric fascia, and limbic patterns.

After a two treatments she had weaned herself off of all digestive enzymes and laxatives. After two months she was back to full and pain free flexion.

Cancer be damned.

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