Nerve Entrapment and the Popliteal Fossa


A few weeks back I encountered a quite challenging case. A woman came in chronic knee pain, having gotten persistently worse over the last two years.

She had had every X-ray, MRI, and other scan and blood work under the sun done and everything came back squeaky clean.

Our first session together we found and addressed dysfunction in the muscles that help to direct the active movement of the menisci as well as major ligaments such as the MCL and ACL.

Things seemed like they were on the right track.

But she came back a week later reporting no change whatsoever in her level of pain.

We rechecked the dysfunctions we corrected the previous session and to my surprise all of them held.

Rather often when neuro corrections return it leads me to begin suspecting structural damage, among other things.

Not the case with her.

After running through every possible scenario in my head, I concluded that it just couldn’t be coming from an isolated issue within the knee itself, even with the pain as localized as it was.

After much sleuth work, we found and treated the ultimate culprit.

Tibial nerve entrapment through the popliteal fossa.

In order to address those more complicated cases, we must learn to view the body in layers.

As the dynamic, living, complex entity that it is.

Only then can the complex become truly simple.

“No lens is quick enough to track the movement of the human body. The molecules are always moving.”

-Roger Rees

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