Don't Let a Label Get You Down


“I have a torn ligament in my pelvis, cysts around my sacrum, my personal trainer is afraid to work with me now, and I can’t move without pain.”

This is what a client wrote to me in her intake forms.

Whenever a client has known structural tears I’m always completely upfront with them about the benefits they can expect from treatment.

Sometimes the benefits can be astounding.

Surgeries avoided. Pain significantly relieved if not eliminated. Effective strategies for rebuilding muscular support and function implemented.

Sometimes the damage can be too severe to obtain lasting relief without more extreme measures.

As I tell every client with such issues, it’s always worth fighting to avoid going under the knife though, even if it requires a bit of time and work on both of our ends.

After going through a more thorough intake and movement screen, this woman was suffering from a tear in her left sacrotuberous ligament and experienced sharp and severe discomfort upon even so much as an unweighted hip hinge.

We treated all manner of dysfunction in her hamstrings.

Mechanoreceptors, nocioceptors, spinomesencephalic and spinotectal pathways dysfunctions, you name it.

As the sacrotuberous ligament runs from the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity, it is fairly continuous with the tendon of the origin of the long head of the biceps femoris, the most lateral hamstring muscle.

This ligament is essential in stabilization of the pelvis and sacroiliac joint.

By the end of the session her hamstrings were functioning again pain free on the treatment table.

Make no mistake though, functionality on the table doesn’t always coincide with functionality in real life.

She still had a tear and it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Muscles were still weak and needed some serious reconditioning to support repetitive daily stresses.

Some cases are overnight success stories. Others take a few weeks. A few months.

But that makes them no less rewarding.

How is this woman doing now?

She’s just begun working on light, weighted kettlebell deadlifts.

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