Cluneal Nerves


Three weeks ago the mother of a long time client came in for a session. Her daughter had been trying to convince her to give P-DTR a go for her chronic posterior hip and low back pain she'd been suffering with for over a year.

Well, after a year's worth of no progress with weekly PT, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and massage, she finally caved in and set up an appointment.

When we first chatted she was sustaining daily function with a three times a day cocktail of muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories. Per her own words, she had forgotten what it was like to be pain free.

After taking her through a basic assessment we found that her erectors, glutes, and piriformis were hypertonic and she had marked tenderness right above the iliac crest.

What was the culprit?

Cluneal nerve entrapment.

After exiting the thoracolumbar junction, the superior cluneal nerve often gets entrapped at the osseofibrous tunnel and can cause pain radiating over the posterior ilium and upper buttocks. These symptoms are commonly mislabeled as sciatic nerve issues.

After following P-DTR protocols and restoring the quality of afferent signaling to the region, her symptoms immediately improved by 70%. We discussed the nature of nerve entrapment and healing and I sent her on her way.

Saw her for a follow up yesterday. Full resolution and she was back to regular exercise again. She'd even helped a friend move the past weekend!

As she walked out the door she poked her head back in....

"I walked in here skeptical and not truly believing I could have my old life back. I've never been so happy to be so wrong about absolutely everything."

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