Autism and Sensory Overload


Last year I worked on a very special boy who's been on my mind recently.

As he suffers from Autism, he came in extremely sensitive to any and all stimuli. He had been referred to me by the psychologist he works with in attempt to get some of his unhealthy responses to stimuli under control.

His issues were two pronged.

Firstly, he was an emotional eater. When he felt stressed and unable to fully express his feelings, he binged on whatever happened to be the most accessible.

Secondly, his mother and him had set a goal to get him confidently wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt by summer.

In response to an overreaction to crude touch all over his body, he would pick at his arms and legs until he had dug small craters up and down his lower arms and legs.

Because of continuous open sores that never had a chance to heal, he hadn't been able to wear summer attire in years.

We worked together fairly intensively for about two months during which time he made incredible progress.

We used the scars on his arms and legs as starting points in order to get to the source of the improper input to his nervous system causing such an overblown reaction to touch.

Over the coming weeks his emotional attachment to various foods slowly waned.

One day towards the end of our time together, he came in wearing shorts and ratty old T-shirt with holes in it and the biggest smile on his face.

I'll never forget it.

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