When your Autonomic System is out of Whack


"My palms are starting to sweat," said a student during a treatment at a recent course.

This is something I hear quite often. Many dysfunctions of the nervous system often involve autonomic reactions while some may in fact be directly tied to it as the source of or compensation for a dysfunction.

One ascending pathway in particular is solely responsible for autonomic and reflexive reactions to nocioception. The fibers of the spinohypothalamic tract ascend to the hypothalamus itself.

Do you or your patients complain of symptoms that increase during exercise? Feel worse when your heart rate is elevated and you start sweating?

Or maybe the opposite is true. You experience relief from symptoms by going out for a jog or getting in a good workout.

All of these examples are classical presentations of dysfunctions of the spinohypothalamic tract.

Addressed during Module 3 of the P-DTR Foundations series, corrections to this pathway can produce incredible results for problems that are otherwise nebulous and puzzling.

When provided with accurate information to process, we can finally expect an accurate reaction in proportion to incoming stimuli.

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