Obesity and Dietary Compliance


Obesity is a complicated disease.

Comorbid conditions. A mess of environmental and psychosocial causes. The question of who should actually be treating it.

A ways back I was referred a client by a nutritionist friend of mine. She had been working with this gentleman for the past year and had made mediocre improvement with him.

While he had made great strides in improving his thought unhealthy patterns, his diet adherence was at a record low. No matter how motivated he seemed, he simply couldn't seem to shake the sweets.

His sugar intake was out of control. In his own words, he "just couldn't resist" and found that he truly felt better when he ate multiple desserts every day.

Willing to explore any avenue to increase his compliance, she had sent him to me looking for anything and everything I might be able to do to help. While I had no idea what I'd find, we ultimately achieved some rather surprising results.

It turned out that this gentleman had a paired dysfunction of one taste bud to another, with sweet taste buds and therefore, sugar, serving as a compensation for a larger issue.

He truly wasn't kidding when he said desserts made him feel better.

To both his and his nutritionist's great surprise, he was finally able to stick to his diet plan the following week.

Yet another case to really drive home the point that this is truly the most far reaching and all encompassing technique i've ever come across.

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