

A few weeks back at a pop up clinic in London I worked on a gentleman suffering from hyperhidrosis. To say that this issue was impacting his life was putting it lightly.

All day, every day his hands and feet sweat uncontrollably. And I really do mean uncontrollably. To the point of where he was carrying around wadded up paper towels in his pockets "just in case."

Just imagine that for a moment.

Clammy handshakes. Watermarks all over important papers and documents. Damp and soiled clothing from wiping your hands on your sleeves and pants all day long.

While sweating is a process under the unconscious control of the autonomic nervous system, this fellow ALSO had the ability to start making himself begin sweating consciously as well. Just couldn't stop it. Strange...

"How bad could it really be," I though to myself.

"Well, let's see it," I said.

I'm hardly exaggerating when I say this was one of the most unreal and fascinating things I've seen in my entire career.

Far more than the moderate perspiration I had been expecting to see, so much sweat had pooled in his hands in a matter of 10 seconds that they were literally dripping all over, well, everything.

After handing him a roll of paper towels and mopping up the table we delved into treatment.

I first found and corrected a number of dysfunctions with his spinohypothalamic as well as spinomesencephalic pathways.

However upon retesting, these corrections didn't make much of a difference. Full on waterworks were still in effect.

Using some invaluable tools from the P-DTR Intermediate course, I ended up locating and treating numerous limbic dysfunctions surrounding a complicated relationship with a parent, each dysfunction compensating with altered sympathetic and parasympathetic information via the liver.

His eyes were wide as saucers upon retesting his ability to consciously control his ability to produce sweat on cue at the end of the session.

No more sweaty palms!

This case was truly one of my favorite nervous system mysteries I've come across in recent memory.

It's times like these that I really just have no idea what results I could ever hope to achieve without P-DTR.

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