

Yesterday a client came in complaining of radiating pain and tendonitis in her left wrist.

As a personal trainer she’d had to take months off from her own workouts and has been sleeping in a brace for over a year now.

Lo and behold, the wrist led back to the forearm which led to… a tattoo.

After some quick questioning, turns out the wrist pain began 4 months after getting the new ink.

Often tattoos create the same types of dysfunctions as scars, no matter how they may look on the surface.

Using P-DTR, we restored function to the forearm muscles and corrected pain receptors in the wrist itself.

Five hours later and she was enjoying her very first night in months sleeping comfortably without pain radiating throughout her wrist.

Your body holds all the answers to your own problems.

The better your inquisitive mind is, the better you will be at solving them.

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